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Cancer Research UK Regional Event Cover Logistics Manager (Scotland)

United Kingdom, United Kingdom

The Regional Event/Logistics Manager (RLM) is responsible for all day-to-day logistics of the Roadshow and Hub including transportation set-up of the self-contained roadshow unit, indoor Hub stand and indoor kit (roadshow).

RLMs also have accountability for health and safety, as well as communicating basic health messages to visitors in-line with given Cancer Research UK(CRUK) communication boundaries. 

You will play a key part of our Annual Cancer Awareness Roadshow and Hubs campaign, visiting locations across the Scotland from May to December. 

If this sounds like something up your street - see more details here: https://rpmfiles.box.com/s/cwwupg7vsmihqmi2fcg7x61as6yhschh

If you have any queries on this role, please reach out to staffing@rpmltd.com